Our Journey to Matthew

~God created you, a beautiful child, you were just delivered to the wrong address.~

Thursday, March 31, 2005

A very sad Wednesday.....

Yesterday was Wednesday, March 30, 2005. Our agency called with the devastating news that a Russian family adopted our little baby Alexander. There is absolutely nothing we can do.
We grieved all day and most of the evening but we are committed to finding the baby boy that is truly meant to be ours. We will always wonder about him and pray he is loved and provided for in Saratov. We asked our agency which regions they are primarily strong in and Lindsay told me Samara, Kemerovo and Vladvistock (I'm sure I butchered the spelling!). Samara is adoption and American friendly and is Russia's equivilent to Hershey PA here being a chocolate factory town. That of course is automatically my first choice. Kemerovo is also very pro-adoption and friendly to Americans and has several orphanages. They are a bit further from Moscow but if that is where our son is then we will go. The 3rd region is literally on the other side of the world. It's the last possible piece of Russian soil in the far East. You don't even fly into Moscow, you fly into Seoul Korea and then take a commuter plane over. A bit scary but they have a beautiful mixture of children there. I'm hoping for Samara but you never know. I want a place with lots of children, less chance of having one yanked from underneath us again.

I will update as soon as we receive a referral. He's out there somewhere. We have to be willing to wait for him.



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