Our Journey to Matthew

~God created you, a beautiful child, you were just delivered to the wrong address.~

Monday, February 20, 2006

More delays...

We spoke to our agency (via email as usual, nearly impossible to get a live person on the phone) and are told now we will likely go to court by the end of March at the earliest. Apparently this judge isn't feeling well so those that traveled before us will be seen in early to mid March. The judge also expects a bottle of Chanel #5 BEFORE court! Don't get me started.

At least we know Matthew is in a good orphanage (compared to many other regions he could be) and he is loved and well cared for so for that I am thankful. I happily am buying pretty things that are meaningful for gift bags for the caregivers, doctors and Natalia. For them it is a pleasure to buy for, especially since I've met them and have a feel for what they like.

I never thought in a million years it would take 6 months to go back to get him, that our lives would hang in the balance for so long based on 1 judge deciding what is important to her or not that month or that this whole process would take close to 2 years. I can tell you one thing with complete certainty, if we decide to adopt a baby sister for Matthew in a couple of years it will not be Russia! Most likely China or Ukraine. Luckily our agency works in both countries as well.

Let's hope the end of March brings tons of happiness for everyone, especially for Matthew!

Debi (yes I'm having a bitter moment)


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