Our Journey to Matthew

~God created you, a beautiful child, you were just delivered to the wrong address.~

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The "Big House"

This here's the "Big House". I called it that because it's run like a minimum security prison and it was kind of a joke to say we were "breaking Matthew out of the Big House" when we were there. Well this morning I had to fill out my paperwork to collect Family Leave benefits for the next 6 weeks so I got out the translated documents from court that I have to photocopy and guess what???!!!

On the court papers and MOE (Minister of Education) paperwork Matthew is referred to as an...INMATE! Yep, all orphans are considered inmates on their official paperwork. Unbelievable. So my expression of the "Big House" really isn't a joke anymore. Poor Matthew, at least they didn't dress him in black and white stripes or an orange jumpsuit. Of course based on what he was wearing 5/15 it may have been an improvement. I'm sorry but as cute as he is, lavender shoes and orange/yellow pink flowered socks just aren't my boy. The jury is still out on the jumper, could be unisex? See pic.


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