Our Journey to Matthew

~God created you, a beautiful child, you were just delivered to the wrong address.~

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

First Doctor Visit

Today Wednesday May 31st was Matthew's first visit with Dr. Sherman, Chief of Pediatrics in Valencia. Since his Russian medical report was so contradictory Dr. Sherman ordered all new immunizations and bloodwork to be done. Matthew received 4 shots today (2 in each thigh, has tiny band aids on)and a TB injection/test in his little arm. He then went down to the lab and they started taking blood. You could hear the screams down the hallway in the medical building. Brian went in with him and stayed in the waiting room. After Moscow I just can't do it, Daddy is much better at showing no emotion, Mommy gets hysterical and wants to beat people up. They had to stop as whatever blood test they did in Moscow was rough and his little baby vein still hasn't recovered 2 weeks later. They will do it again Monday to get the balance. On Friday we go for his TB reading. I can bring in his "samples" also then. I won't go into detail but they are checking for Giardia so I am scraping souvenirs off diapers for the lab for the next 3 days.

Tonight I checked in on Matthew as he was unusually quiet and he has a high fever. I was ready to get dressed and rush him to the emergency room but Brian said to check the internet first. Sure enough, babies and toddlers are prone to high fevers up to 104 degrees right after vaccinations. Whew! It was just under 102 and he was so hot all over. Would have been nice if the Doctor or his nurse would have warned us. I gave him infant Tylenol (now I know why the Doctor handed me the free sample and said I would need it later most likely) and I'm waiting for it to go down. Should take 30-45 minutes. Of course I could just start calling everyone I know that has small children and confirm my internet findings.

Good news though, Dr. Sherman found no trace of any type of heart condition or anything else that may require surgery other than his eventual circumcision. It was at that point that he ordered all new tests instead of titers. Says he doesn't trust ANYTHING on his previous medicals now. Okay let's hope now that all other tests come back great so that nothing major got missed in Moscow or Tyumen either.
The doctor and nurse were quite impressed with Matthew. Grabbed the stethoscope and put it on correctly and including the part for his ears. Said he will be a doctor one day.

Latest measurements: length 31 1/2 inches and weight 21 pounds 10 ounces and head circumference 18 1/2 inches. He is at 30% on the growth charts for height, 5% for weight and 0% for head circumference but Dr. Sherman said not to worry as Matthew is sharp as a tack. Albert Einstein has a small head circumference too.

Okay I just checked on him again. His temp is down 1/2 a point so the tylenol is working.


  • At 5:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Of course he's going to be a doctor! And his beautiful wife will be a pediatric orthodontist. They will live in a beautiful house near the ocean. They will put their mothers in a lovely "adult facility" where they will talk about the details of their children's comings to America, whilst not being able to remember what they had for lunch.


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