Our Journey to Matthew

~God created you, a beautiful child, you were just delivered to the wrong address.~

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Go-Go's 25th anniversary

I realize this has absolutely nothing to do with Matthew but since becoming a Mommy I have virtually no life of my own. On Friday July 7th at 9am 98.7FM called me to tell me I won a contest to meet the Go-Go's at the Guitar Center recording studio in Burbank, watch a live performance of 5 songs and get tickets to their concert at the Greek Theater for Friday July 14th. This caused a problem...what to do with Matthew! He couldn't go with us because they were going to record the event. I called my niece Rachel and she helped us out in a pinch. Matthew had fun with Rachel and now I know we can leave him once in a while if we need to. Rachel said he was an angel. Played well, petting the cat nicely etc. Hmmm...I was going for it up to the "cat" part. Anyway, here's a couple of pics from the Star Lounge in Burbank.


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