Our Journey to Matthew

~God created you, a beautiful child, you were just delivered to the wrong address.~

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Water Baby!

Matthew has discovered water outside of his bathtub and loves every drop of it!
Last night it finally cooled off to about 100 degrees by 7pm so Daddy got his little pool out of the garage for him and we let him splash away for about an hour. He would splash and then get out and ride on his scooter and then gingerly step back into his pool. We sat outside with him and misted each other with water to keep cool. I finally moved my chair over to his pool and put my feet in the cool water, it felt really good. I sort of wish we had gone ahead now and built the pool in the backyard but then again I think it would be safer to wait a couple of years until Matthew learns to swim safely and can understand the dangers. You can't really convince a 20 month old that anything is dangerous if they are having fun.
Here's a few pictures from his fun yesterday....


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