Our Journey to Matthew

~God created you, a beautiful child, you were just delivered to the wrong address.~

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Filatov Clinic Doctor Visit

Thursday morning (May 18) at 8:30am we had to be at the Filatov Clinic for his US Embassy medical exam. We were supposed to then be at the Embassy by 2pm but that didn't quite happen. Since his birthmother had syphillis at the time of his birth the US Embassy insists on an HIV blood test even though he has been tested 3 times before and was never positive and his mother was HIV negative as well. The doctor was Boris, a very cool guy. He used to play hockey for the Russian Team and traveled the world in the mid 70's. He called Matthew "Buddah Belly" because he's getting chunky quick. I had just fed him so his tummy was full anyway. He measured in at 31 inches and weighs 21 1/2 pounds now. He is a big boy and still wears size 12 months...barely. The doctor said he was very healthy and hated prescribing the blood test. I took Matthew to the lab where they had me hold him down while they stuck a needle in his arm. Mommy got more hysterical than Matthew. Matthew got over it in about an hour, Mommy is still upset about it. Of course the next morning they called to say he was negative. They tortured my baby for nothing. This picture shows him after lunch that day playing on our bed at the Marriott. You can see his bandage on his arm, I think they used super glue to something, poor little guy.


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